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Text File  |  1999-04-11  |  72KB  |  1,563 lines

  1. WATCOM Linker Version 11.0
  2. Copyright by Sybase, Inc., and its subsidiaries, 1985, 1997.
  3. Created on:       99/04/11 21:10:58
  4. Executable Image: c:\cppw\win_dll\igraph.dll
  5. creating a Windows NT dynamic link library
  8.                         +------------+
  9.                         |   Groups   |
  10.                         +------------+
  12. Group                           Address              Size
  13. =====                           =======              ====
  15. .idata                          0042f000             00000ca2
  16. DGROUP                          00430000             000188c0
  20.                         +--------------+
  21.                         |   Segments   |
  22.                         +--------------+
  24. Segment                Class          Group          Address         Size
  25. =======                =====          =====          =======         ====
  27. BEGTEXT                CODE           AUTO           00401000        00000007
  28. _TEXT                  CODE           AUTO           00401010        0002d71e
  29. .text                  CODE           AUTO           0042e730        00000088
  30. TRANSFER CODE          CODE           AUTO           0042e7b8        000002d6
  31. .idata                 .idata         .idata         0042f000        00000ca2
  32. _NULL                  BEGDATA        DGROUP         00430000        00000004
  33. _AFTERNULL             BEGDATA        DGROUP         00430004        00000000
  34. CONST                  DATA           DGROUP         00430004        00002254
  35. CONST2                 DATA           DGROUP         00432260        000003b4
  36. _DATA                  DATA           DGROUP         00432620        00001200
  37. .rdata                 DATA           DGROUP         00433820        00001870
  38. XIB                    DATA           DGROUP         00435090        00000000
  39. XI                     DATA           DGROUP         00435090        00000042
  40. XIE                    DATA           DGROUP         004350d2        00000000
  41. YIB                    DATA           DGROUP         004350d2        00000000
  42. YI                     DATA           DGROUP         004350d2        0000002a
  43. YIE                    DATA           DGROUP         004350fc        00000000
  44. TIB                    DATA           DGROUP         004350fc        00000000
  45. TI                     DATA           DGROUP         004350fc        00000000
  46. TIE                    DATA           DGROUP         004350fc        00000000
  47. DATA                   DATA           DGROUP         004350fc        00000000
  48. _BSS                   BSS            DGROUP         00436010        0000280c
  49. c_common               BSS            DGROUP         0043881c        0000009c
  50. STACK                  STACK          DGROUP         004388c0        00010000
  53.                         +----------------+
  54.                         |   Memory Map   |
  55.                         +----------------+
  57. * = unreferenced symbol
  58. + = symbol only referenced locally
  60. Address        Symbol
  61. =======        ======
  63. Module: igraph.obj(C:\CPPW\WIN_LIB\GRAPHICS\DLL\igraph.cpp)
  64. 00406900+      near C_string::C_str_base::C_str_base( char const near *, int )
  65. 00406940+      void near C_string::C_str_base::Release()
  66. 00406960+      long unsigned near C_string::C_str_base::Count() const
  67. 00406970+      char near * near C_string::C_str_base::GetData()
  68. 00406980+      long unsigned near C_string::C_str_base::size() const
  69. 00406990+      void near * near C_string::C_str_base::operator new( int unsigned, int unsigned )
  70. 004069a0+      void near C_string::C_str_base::operator delete( void near *, int unsigned )
  71. 004069b0+      near C_string::~C_string()
  72. 004069e0+      near C_string::operator char const near * () const
  73. 004069f0+      char near & near C_string::operator []( int )
  74. 00406a90+      int unsigned near C_string::size() const
  75. 00406ab0+      near C_fstring::C_fstring( char const near *, ... )
  76. 00406b70+      near <S_drect near >::C_vector::~C_vector()
  77. 00406ba0+      S_drect near & near <S_drect near >::C_vector::operator []( int )
  78. 00406bb0+      void near <S_drect near >::C_vector::clear()
  79. 00406bd0+      int unsigned near <S_drect near >::C_vector::size() const
  80. 00406be0+      near <void near * near >::C_vector::~C_vector()
  81. 00406c10+      void near <void near * near >::C_vector::clear()
  82. 00406c30+      int near iIGraph::NumDRects() const
  83. 00406c40+      S_drect near * near iIGraph::GetDRects()
  84. 00406c50+      long unsigned near iIGraph::AddRef()
  85. 00406c60+      long unsigned near iIGraph::Release()
  86. 00406c90+      long unsigned near iIGraph::GetMouseButtons() const
  87. 00406ca0+      void near iIGraph::SetFlags( long unsigned, bool )
  88. 00401010+      void near DD_Fatal( char const near *, long )
  89. 00401ac0+      long near GKeyboardProc( int, int unsigned, long )
  90. 00401d30       void near * near I2D_alloc( int unsigned )
  91. 00406ce0+      void near SETRECT( tagRECT near *, int, int, int, int )
  92. 00406d00+      void near OFFSETRECT( tagRECT near *, int, int )
  93. 00401dd0+      int near FixedMul( int, char unsigned )
  94. 00402320+      void near iIGraph::DefineDraw( long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned )
  95. 00402580+      long near GWindowProc( void near *, int unsigned, int unsigned, long )
  96. 00403430+      bool near iIGraph::InitWindow( int, int )
  97. 004038e0+      void near iIGraph::DestroyWindow()
  98. 00403b70+      near iIGraph::~iIGraph()
  99. 00403de0+      long near iIGraph::CreateFrontBack()
  100. 00404090+      long near iIGraph::InitRGBConv()
  101. 00404280+      bool near iIGraph::Initialize( void near *, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, int, void near * )
  102. 004047b0+      _IGraphCreate@28
  103. 004048a0+      bool near iIGraph::SetBrightness( float, float, float )
  104. 00404980+      void (near * near iIGraph::SetCallback( void (near *)()))( long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned )
  105. 004049a0+      long unsigned near iIGraph::GetCaps()
  106. 00404a20+      void near iIGraph::SetViewport( long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned )
  107. 00404a60+      bool near iIGraph::ClearViewport()
  108. 00404a90+      void near iIGraph::WaitFrame()
  109. 00404ac0+      void near iIGraph::FlipToGDI()
  110. 00404ae0+      bool near iIGraph::FlipScreens()
  111. 00404b40+      bool near iIGraph::ScrollScreen( int, int, int, int, int, int )
  112. 00404cb0+      bool near iIGraph::LockVScreen()
  113. 00404d40+      void near iIGraph::UnlockVScreen()
  114. 00404db0+      void near * near iIGraph::GetVScreenArea()
  115. 00404dc0+      long unsigned near iIGraph::GetVScreenPitch()
  116. 00404dd0+      void near iIGraph::RestorePalRange()
  117. 00404de0+      bool near iIGraph::Rectangle( int, int, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned )
  118. 00404ee0+      void near iIGraph::SetPalRange( int, int )
  119. 00404f00+      void near iIGraph::SavePalRange( int, int )
  120. 00404f10+      bool near iIGraph::SetPal( char unsigned near * )
  121. 00405070+      bool near iIGraph::GetPal( char unsigned near * )
  122. 00405110+      long unsigned near iIGraph::MapPixel( char unsigned, char unsigned, char unsigned, char unsigned near * ) const
  123. 00405140+      void near iIGraph::InitKeyboard()
  124. 004051b0+      void near iIGraph::CloseKeyboard()
  125. 00405210+      void near iIGraph::DefineKeys( char const near *, long unsigned )
  126. 00405240+      char near iIGraph::WaitKey()
  127. 00405280+      char near iIGraph::ReadKey( bool )
  128. 004052b0+      long unsigned near iIGraph::GetShiftKeys() const
  129. 004052c0+      bool near iIGraph::MouseInit( long unsigned )
  130. 00405450+      void near iIGraph::MouseClose()
  131. 00405520+      void near iIGraph::MouseSetup( int, int, int, int, int, int )
  132. 004055f0+      long unsigned near iIGraph::MouseUpdate()
  133. 00405980+      void near iIGraph::SetMousePos( int, int )
  134. 00405a20+      bool near iIGraph::MouseInClient()
  135. 00405a40+      void near iIGraph::MouseAcquire( bool )
  136. 00405aa0+      void near iIGraph::NullTimer()
  137. 00405b70+      long unsigned near iIGraph::GetTimer( long unsigned, long unsigned )
  138. 00405d70+      long unsigned near iIGraph::ReadTimer() const
  139. 00405dd0+      void near iIGraph::ProcessWinMessages( long unsigned )
  140. 00406030+      IDirectDrawPalette near * near iIGraph::GetPalInterface() const
  141. 00406040+      IDirectDraw4 near * near iIGraph::GetDDInterface() const
  142. 00406050+      IDirectDrawSurface4 near * near iIGraph::GetFrontBuffer() const
  143. 00406060+      IDirectDrawSurface4 near * near iIGraph::GetBackBuffer() const
  144. 00406070+      C_rgb_conversion near * near iIGraph::GetRGBConv()
  145. 00406080+      void near iIGraph::SetSplitMode( E_SPLITMODE )
  146. 00406090+      E_SPLITMODE near iIGraph::GetSplitMode() const
  147. 004060a0+      void near iIGraph::SetAppName( char const near * )
  148. 00406140+      char const near * near iIGraph::GetAppName() const
  149. 00406160+      void near iIGraph::NullDraws()
  150. 00406190+      void near iIGraph::DoDraws()
  151. 004061a0+      bool near iIGraph::IsKbInit() const
  152. 004061c0+      long unsigned near iIGraph::ReadKeys()
  153. 004061d0+      bool near iIGraph::KeyShift() const
  154. 004061e0+      bool near iIGraph::KeyCtrl() const
  155. 004061f0+      bool near iIGraph::KeyAlt() const
  156. 00406200+      char unsigned near iIGraph::Bpp() const
  157. 00406210+      long unsigned near iIGraph::Scrn_sx() const
  158. 00406220+      long unsigned near iIGraph::Scrn_sy() const
  159. 00406230+      void near * near iIGraph::GetHWND()
  160. 00406240+      void near * near iIGraph::GetMenu()
  161. 00406250+      int near iIGraph::Mouse_x() const
  162. 00406260+      int near iIGraph::Mouse_y() const
  163. 00406270+      int near iIGraph::Mouse_rx() const
  164. 00406280+      int near iIGraph::Mouse_ry() const
  165. 00406290+      long unsigned near iIGraph::Mouse_butt() const
  166. 004062a0+      int near iIGraph::GetMousePos( int, bool ) const
  167. 004062e0+      bool near iIGraph::AddDlgHWND( void near * )
  168. 004063a0+      bool near iIGraph::DeleteDlgHWND( void near * )
  169. 00406410+      bool near iIGraph::GetPixelFormat( S_pixelformat near * )
  170. 004064d0+      void near iIGraph::FullScreenToggle()
  171. 00406d30       int unsigned const near & near Max( int unsigned const near &, int unsigned const near & )
  172. 00406d40+      short const near & near Max( short const near &, short const near & )
  173. 00406d50+      int const near & near Max( int const near &, int const near & )
  174. 00406d60+      float const near & near Max( float const near &, float const near & )
  175. 00406d80+      short const near & near Min( short const near &, short const near & )
  176. 00406d90+      int const near & near Min( int const near &, int const near & )
  177. 00406da0+      float const near & near Min( float const near &, float const near & )
  178. 00406dc0+      short unsigned const near & near Min( short unsigned const near &, short unsigned const near & )
  179. 00406dd0+      long unsigned const near & near Min( long unsigned const near &, long unsigned const near & )
  180. 00406de0+      int near Swap( IDirectDrawSurface4 near * near &, IDirectDrawSurface4 near * near & )
  181. 004068e0+      bool near iIGraph::CreateRGBConv( C_rgb_conversion near * near * ) const
  182. Module: _line.obj(_line.as)
  183. 00406df0       draw_line_8_
  184. 0040763b       draw_line_32_
  185. 00407210       draw_line_16_
  186. Module: iimage.obj(C:\CPPW\WIN_LIB\GRAPHICS\DLL\iimage.cpp)
  187. 00409f20+      long unsigned near iIImage::AddRef()
  188. 00409f30+      long unsigned near iIImage::Release()
  189. 00407a70       bool near iIGraph::CreateImage( IImage near * near * )
  190. 00407ab0+      _GetImageInfo@20
  191. 00407ed0+      bool near iIImage::Remap( char unsigned near * )
  192. 00407f80*      near iIImage::iIImage( IGraph near * )
  193. 00407fc0+      near iIImage::~iIImage()
  194. 00407ff0+      bool near iIImage::Open( char const near *, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, S_pixelformat near *, long unsigned )
  195. 00408bd0+      void near iIImage::Close()
  196. 00408c20+      bool near iIImage::IsInit() const
  197. 00408c40+      bool near iIImage::GetPixelFormat( S_pixelformat near * )
  198. 00408cf0+      bool near iIImage::SetSurfacePal( void near * )
  199. 00408d50+      bool near iIImage::SetPal( char unsigned near * )
  200. 00408e40+      bool near iIImage::Draw( int, int, long unsigned )
  201. 00409030+      bool near iIImage::DrawStretch( int, int, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned )
  202. 00409140+      bool near iIImage::Lock( void near * near *, long unsigned near *, char unsigned near * )
  203. 004091b0+      bool near iIImage::Unlock()
  204. 004091e0+      bool near iIImage::AlphaBlend( IImage near *, long unsigned )
  205. 004093d0+      bool near iIImage::AlphaToCKey( IImage near *, long unsigned, char unsigned, long unsigned )
  206. 004095d0+      bool near iIImage::CKeyToAlpha( long unsigned )
  207. 00409f60       int near FindLastBit( long unsigned )
  208. 00409810+      bool near iIImage::MixMipmap( long unsigned )
  209. 00409ec0+      long unsigned near iIImage::GetColorKey()
  210. 00409ed0+      char unsigned near iIImage::GetBpp() const
  211. 00409ee0+      IDirectDrawSurface4 near * near iIImage::GetDDSurface()
  212. 00409ef0+      long unsigned near iIImage::SizeX() const
  213. 00409f00+      long unsigned near iIImage::SizeY() const
  214. 00409f10+      char unsigned near * near iIImage::GetPal() const
  215. Module: savepcx.obj(C:\CPPW\WIN_LIB\GRAPHICS\DLL\savepcx.cpp)
  216. 0040a520+      long unsigned near ror( long unsigned, char unsigned )
  217. 00409fc0       bool near iIGraph::SaveShot( char const near * )
  218. Module: load_bmp.obj(C:\CPPW\WIN_LIB\GRAPHICS\DLL\load_bmp.cpp)
  219. 0040a550       bool near LoadBMP( char const near *, long unsigned near &, long unsigned near &, void near * near *, char unsigned near * near *, char unsigned near & )
  220. Module: line.obj(C:\CPPW\WIN_LIB\GRAPHICS\DLL\line.cpp)
  221. 0040a940       bool near iIGraph::Line( int, int, int, int, long unsigned )
  222. 00436014       _line_ext_l
  223. 00436018       _line_ext_t
  224. 0043601c       _line_ext_sx
  225. 00436020       _line_ext_sy
  226. 00436024       _line_scrleft
  227. 00436028       _line_scrtop
  228. 0043602c       _line_scrright
  229. 00436030       _line_scrbottom
  230. Module: point.obj(C:\CPPW\WIN_LIB\GRAPHICS\DLL\point.cpp)
  231. 0040aad0       bool near iIGraph::PutPixel( int, int, long unsigned, long unsigned )
  232. 0040abe0       long unsigned near iIGraph::GetPixel( int, int, long unsigned )
  233. Module: jpg_load\jpg_load.obj(C:\CPPW\WIN_LIB\GRAPHICS\DLL\JPG_LOAD\jpg_load.cpp)
  234. 0040e540+      void near build_ycc_rgb_table( jpeg_decompress_struct near * )
  235. 0041ef10       bool near LoadJPG( char const near *, long unsigned near &, long unsigned near &, void near * near *, char unsigned near * near *, char unsigned near & )
  236. 0041fa40       bool near ReadJPGHeader( char const near *, long unsigned near &, long unsigned near &, char unsigned near & )
  237. 004329d8+      int const near jpeg_natural_order[]
  238. Module: conv_rgb.obj(C:\CPPW\WIN_LIB\GRAPHICS\DLL\conv_rgb.cpp)
  239. 00421e90+      void near * near <0>::__malloc_alloc::allocate( int unsigned )
  240. 00421ec0+      void near <0>::__malloc_alloc::deallocate( void near *, int unsigned )
  241. 00421ed0+      int unsigned near <0,0>::__alloc::alloc_round_up( int unsigned )
  242. 00421ee0+      int unsigned near <0,0>::__alloc::FREELIST_INDEX( int unsigned )
  243. 00421ef0+      int unsigned near <1,0>::__alloc::alloc_round_up( int unsigned )
  244. 00421f00+      int unsigned near <1,0>::__alloc::FREELIST_INDEX( int unsigned )
  245. 00421f10+      long unsigned near C_rgb_conversion_i::AddRef()
  246. 00421f20+      long unsigned near C_rgb_conversion_i::Release()
  247. 00421f60+      bool near C_rgb_conversion_i::GetPixelFormat( S_pixelformat near * ) const
  248. 0041fec0+      void near C_rgb_conversion_i::Init( char unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, bool, char unsigned near * )
  249. 00420210+      void near C_rgb_conversion_i::UnInit()
  250. 00420270+      char unsigned near C_rgb_conversion_i::Bpp() const
  251. 00420280+      bool near C_rgb_conversion_i::IsPaletized() const
  252. 004202d0+      bool near C_rgb_conversion_i::Convert( void const near *, void near * near *, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, char unsigned, char unsigned near * near *, long unsigned, void near * (near *)( )) const
  253. 00421fc0+      int unsigned near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::simple_alloc::chunk()
  254. 00421fd0+      long unsigned near * near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::simple_alloc::allocate( int unsigned )
  255. 00422030+      void near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::simple_alloc::deallocate( long unsigned near *, int unsigned )
  256. 00422060+      void near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector::deallocate()
  257. 004220c0+      void near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector::fill_initialize( int unsigned, long unsigned const near & )
  258. 00422150+      long unsigned const near * near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector::begin_() const
  259. 00422160+      long unsigned const near * near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector::end_() const
  260. 00422170+      int unsigned near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector::size() const
  261. 00422190+      long unsigned near * near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector::allocate_and_fill( int unsigned, long unsigned const near & )
  262. 00422210+      long unsigned near * near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector::__allocate_and_copy( int unsigned, long unsigned const near *, long unsigned const near *, __true_type )
  263. 004222a0+      long unsigned near * near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector::allocate_and_copy( int unsigned, long unsigned const near *, long unsigned const near * )
  264. 00422310+      near <long unsigned near >::vector::vector( <long unsigned near >::vector const near & )
  265. 00422390+      near <long unsigned near >::vector::vector()
  266. 004223b0+      near <long unsigned near >::vector::~vector()
  267. 004211c0+      bool near C_rgb_conversion_i::AlphaBlend( void near *, void near *, char unsigned near *, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, char unsigned, long unsigned ) const
  268. 00421450+      bool near C_rgb_conversion_i::AlphaToCKey( void near *, void near *, char unsigned near *, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, char unsigned, long unsigned, char unsigned, long unsigned ) const
  269. 004215c0+      bool near C_rgb_conversion_i::CKeyToAlpha( void near *, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned ) const
  270. 004216b0+      bool near C_rgb_conversion_i::Filter( void near *, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, char unsigned near * ) const
  271. 00421900+      void near C_rgb_conversion_i::OptimizePal( char unsigned near *, char unsigned near * ) const
  272. 004219e0+      long unsigned near C_rgb_conversion_i::GetPixel( char unsigned, char unsigned, char unsigned, char unsigned near * ) const
  273. 00421ab0+      void near C_rgb_conversion_i::InverseRGB( long unsigned, char unsigned near *, char unsigned near *, char unsigned near *, char unsigned, char unsigned near * ) const
  274. 00422420+      long unsigned near * near __array_copy( long unsigned const near *, long unsigned const near *, long unsigned near * )
  275. 00422450+      void near destroy( long unsigned near *, long unsigned near * )
  276. 00422460+      long unsigned near * near __array_uninitialized_copy( long unsigned const near *, long unsigned const near *, long unsigned near * )
  277. 00422490+      void near * near <0>::__malloc_alloc::oom_malloc( int unsigned )
  278. 004224d0+      void near * near <0>::__malloc_alloc::oom_realloc( void near *, int unsigned )
  279. 00422510+      void near * near <0,0>::__alloc::allocate( int unsigned )
  280. 00422570+      void near <0,0>::__alloc::deallocate( void near *, int unsigned )
  281. 004225a0+      char near * near <0,0>::__alloc::chunk_alloc( int unsigned, int near & )
  282. 004226e0+      void near * near <0,0>::__alloc::refill( int unsigned )
  283. 00422750+      void near * near <0,0>::__alloc::reallocate( void near *, int unsigned, int unsigned )
  284. 00422850+      char near * near <1,0>::__alloc::chunk_alloc( int unsigned, int near & )
  285. 00422990+      void near * near <1,0>::__alloc::refill( int unsigned )
  286. 00422a00+      void near * near <1,0>::__alloc::reallocate( void near *, int unsigned, int unsigned )
  287. 00422b00+      void near <long unsigned near >::__subtractive_rng_t::initialize( long unsigned )
  288. 00422b90+      <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector near & near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector::operator =( <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector const near & )
  289. 00422d50+      void near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector::insert_aux( long unsigned near *, long unsigned const near & )
  290. 00422f20+      void near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector::insert( long unsigned near *, int unsigned, long unsigned const near & )
  291. 004231c0+      void near <long unsigned near,<0,0>::__alloc near >::__vector::insert( long unsigned near *, long unsigned const near *, long unsigned const near * )
  292. 00423480+      long unsigned near * near __copy_t( long unsigned const near *, long unsigned const near *, long unsigned near *, __true_type )
  293. 004234b0+      long unsigned near * near value_type( long unsigned const near * )
  294. 004234c0+      void near __destroy( long unsigned near *, long unsigned near *, long unsigned near * )
  295. 004234d0+      long unsigned near * near __array_uninitialized_copy_aux( long unsigned const near *, long unsigned const near *, long unsigned near *, __true_type )
  296. 00423500+      void near __destroy_aux( long unsigned near *, long unsigned near *, __true_type )
  297. 00423510+      long unsigned near * near __uninitialized_fill_n_aux( long unsigned near *, int unsigned, long unsigned const near &, __true_type )
  298. 0043881c+      void (near * near <0>::__malloc_alloc::oom_handler)()
  299. 00438820+      char near * near <0,0>::__alloc::start_free
  300. 00438824+      char near * near <0,0>::__alloc::end_free
  301. 00438828+      int unsigned near <0,0>::__alloc::heap_size
  302. 0043882c+      __node_alloc_obj near * near <0,0>::__alloc::free_list[]
  303. 0043886c+      char near * near <1,0>::__alloc::start_free
  304. 00438870+      char near * near <1,0>::__alloc::end_free
  305. 00438874+      int unsigned near <1,0>::__alloc::heap_size
  306. 00423540+      long unsigned near * near fill_n( long unsigned near *, int unsigned, long unsigned const near & )
  307. 00423560+      near __true_type::__true_type()
  308. 00421b70+      void near C_rgb_conversion_i::Dither( void const near *, void near *, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, char unsigned const near * ) const
  309. 00421e60       C_rgb_conversion near * near Create_rgb_conv()
  310. 00438878+      __node_alloc_obj near * near <1,0>::__alloc::free_list[]
  311. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(memcpy)
  312. 00423570*      memcpy_
  313. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(strlen)
  314. 004235a0*      strlen_
  315. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(vsprintf)
  316. 004235d4       vsprintf_
  317. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(abort)
  318. 004235f0       abort_
  319. 004235f8+      __terminate_
  320. 00432e34+      ___abort
  321. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(sprintf)
  322. 00423610       sprintf_
  323. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(exit)
  324. 00423640+      __null_int23_exit_
  325. 00423644       exit_
  326. 00423670+      _exit_
  327. 00432e38+      ___int23_exit
  328. 00432e3c+      ___FPE_handler_exit
  329. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(memset)
  330. 004236a0       memset_
  331. Module: c:\dx6sdk\lib\dxguid.lib(I:\diesel\dxsdk\src\dxguid\dxguid.cpp)
  333. 00435070*      _KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_MIDI
  334. 00435060*      _IID_IKsControl
  335. 00435050*      _IID_IDirectMusicBand
  336. 00435040*      _IID_IDirectMusicComposer
  337. 00435030*      _IID_IDirectMusicChordMap
  338. 00435020*      _IID_IDirectMusicStyle
  339. 00435010*      _IID_IDirectMusicGraph
  340. 00435000*      _IID_IDirectMusicTool
  341. 00434ff0*      _IID_IDirectMusicPerformance
  342. 00434fe0*      _IID_IDirectMusicTrack
  343. 00434fd0*      _IID_IDirectMusicSegmentState
  344. 00434fc0*      _IID_IDirectMusicSegment
  345. 00434fb0*      _IID_IDirectMusicObject
  346. 00434fa0*      _IID_IDirectMusicGetLoader
  347. 00434f90*      _IID_IDirectMusicLoader
  348. 00434f80*      _GUID_DefaultGMCollection
  349. 00434f70*      _GUID_PerfAutoDownload
  350. 00434f60*      _GUID_PerfMasterGrooveLevel
  351. 00434f50*      _GUID_PerfMasterVolume
  352. 00434f40*      _GUID_PerfMasterTempo
  353. 00434f30*      _GUID_EnableTempo
  354. 00434f20*      _GUID_DisableTempo
  355. 00434f10*      _GUID_EnableTimeSig
  356. 00434f00*      _GUID_DisableTimeSig
  357. 00434ef0*      _GUID_StandardMIDIFile
  358. 00434ee0*      _GUID_Clear_All_Bands
  359. 00434ed0*      _GUID_Disable_Auto_Download
  360. 00434ec0*      _GUID_Enable_Auto_Download
  361. 00434eb0*      _GUID_ConnectToDLSCollection
  362. 00434ea0*      _GUID_Unload
  363. 00434e90*      _GUID_Download
  364. 00434e80*      _GUID_MuteParam
  365. 00434e70*      _GUID_IDirectMusicChordMap
  366. 00434e60*      _GUID_IDirectMusicBand
  367. 00434e50*      _GUID_TempoParam
  368. 00434e40*      _GUID_TimeSignature
  369. 00434e30*      _GUID_IDirectMusicStyle
  370. 00434e20*      _GUID_RhythmParam
  371. 00434e10*      _GUID_ChordParam
  372. 00434e00*      _GUID_CommandParam
  373. 00434df0*      _GUID_NOTIFICATION_COMMAND
  374. 00434de0*      _GUID_NOTIFICATION_CHORD
  377. 00434db0*      _GUID_NOTIFICATION_SEGMENT
  378. 00434da0*      _GUID_DirectMusicAllTypes
  379. 00434d90*      _CLSID_DirectMusicMuteTrack
  380. 00434d80*      _CLSID_DirectMusicChordMapTrack
  381. 00434d70*      _CLSID_DirectMusicBand
  382. 00434d60*      _CLSID_DirectMusicBandTrack
  383. 00434d50*      _CLSID_DirectMusicLoader
  384. 00434d40*      _CLSID_DirectMusicSignPostTrack
  385. 00434d30*      _CLSID_DirectMusicComposer
  386. 00434d20*      _CLSID_DirectMusicChordMap
  387. 00434d10*      _CLSID_DirectMusicMotifTrack
  388. 00434d00*      _CLSID_DirectMusicStyleTrack
  389. 00434cf0*      _CLSID_DirectMusicCommandTrack
  390. 00434ce0*      _CLSID_DirectMusicChordTrack
  391. 00434cd0*      _CLSID_DirectMusicStyle
  392. 00434cc0*      _CLSID_DirectMusicTimeSigTrack
  393. 00434cb0*      _CLSID_DirectMusicSysExTrack
  394. 00434ca0*      _CLSID_DirectMusicSeqTrack
  395. 00434c90*      _CLSID_DirectMusicTempoTrack
  396. 00434c80*      _CLSID_DirectMusicGraph
  397. 00434c70*      _CLSID_DirectMusicSegmentState
  398. 00434c60*      _CLSID_DirectMusicSegment
  399. 00434c50*      _CLSID_DirectMusicPerformance
  400. 00434c40*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_Volume
  401. 00434c30*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_LegacyCaps
  402. 00434c20*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_Effects
  403. 00434c10*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_WavesReverb
  404. 00434c00*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_MemorySize
  405. 00434bf0*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_WritePeriod
  406. 00434be0*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_WriteLatency
  407. 00434bd0*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_SynthSink_WAVE
  408. 00434bc0*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_SynthSink_DSOUND
  409. 00434bb0*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_DLS1
  410. 00434ba0*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_GS_Capable
  411. 00434b90*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_XG_Capable
  412. 00434b80*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_XG_Hardware
  413. 00434b70*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_GS_Hardware
  414. 00434b60*      _GUID_DMUS_PROP_GM_Hardware
  415. 00434b50*      _IID_IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument
  416. 00434b40*      _IID_IDirectMusicInstrument
  417. 00434b30*      _IID_IDirectMusicCollection
  418. 00434b20*      _IID_IDirectMusicDownload
  419. 00434b10*      _IID_IDirectMusicPortDownload
  420. 00434b00*      _IID_IDirectMusicThru
  421. 00434af0*      _IID_IDirectMusicPort
  422. 00434ae0*      _IID_IDirectMusicBuffer
  423. 00434ad0*      _IID_IDirectMusic
  424. 00434ac0*      _CLSID_DirectMusicSynth
  425. 00434ab0*      _CLSID_DirectMusicCollection
  426. 00434aa0*      _CLSID_DirectMusic
  427. 00434a90*      _IID_IReferenceClock
  428. 00434a80*      _IID_IKsPropertySet
  429. 00434a70*      _IID_IDirectSoundNotify
  430. 00434a60*      _IID_IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer
  431. 00434a50*      _IID_IDirectSoundCapture
  432. 00434a40*      _IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer
  433. 00434a30*      _IID_IDirectSound3DListener
  434. 00434a20*      _IID_IDirectSoundBuffer
  435. 00434a10*      _IID_IDirectSound
  436. 00434a00*      _CLSID_DirectSoundCapture
  437. 004349f0*      _CLSID_DirectSound
  438. 004349e0*      _DPAID_ComPort
  439. 004349d0*      _DPAID_INetPort
  440. 004349c0*      _DPAID_INetW
  441. 004349b0*      _DPAID_INet
  442. 004349a0*      _DPAID_ModemW
  443. 00434990*      _DPAID_Modem
  444. 00434980*      _DPAID_PhoneW
  445. 00434970*      _DPAID_Phone
  446. 00434960*      _DPAID_LobbyProvider
  447. 00434950*      _DPAID_ServiceProvider
  448. 00434940*      _DPAID_TotalSize
  449. 00434930*      _DPLPROPERTY_PlayerScore
  450. 00434920*      _DPLPROPERTY_PlayerGuid
  451. 00434910*      _DPLPROPERTY_LobbyGuid
  452. 00434900*      _DPLPROPERTY_MessagesSupported
  453. 004348f0*      _CLSID_DirectPlayLobby
  454. 004348e0*      _IID_IDirectPlayLobby3A
  455. 004348d0*      _IID_IDirectPlayLobby3
  456. 004348c0*      _IID_IDirectPlayLobby2A
  457. 004348b0*      _IID_IDirectPlayLobby2
  458. 004348a0*      _IID_IDirectPlayLobbyA
  459. 00434890*      _IID_IDirectPlayLobby
  460. 00434880*      _IID_IDirectPlay
  461. 00434870*      _DPSPGUID_MODEM
  462. 00434860*      _DPSPGUID_SERIAL
  463. 00434850*      _DPSPGUID_TCPIP
  464. 00434840*      _DPSPGUID_IPX
  465. 00434830*      _CLSID_DirectPlay
  466. 00434820*      _IID_IDirectPlay4A
  467. 00434810*      _IID_IDirectPlay4
  468. 00434800*      _IID_IDirectPlay3A
  469. 004347f0*      _IID_IDirectPlay3
  470. 004347e0*      _IID_IDirectPlay2A
  471. 004347d0*      _IID_IDirectPlay2
  472. 004347c0*      _GUID_HIDClass
  473. 004347b0*      _GUID_MouseClass
  474. 004347a0*      _GUID_MediaClass
  475. 00434790*      _GUID_KeyboardClass
  476. 00434780*      _GUID_GAMEENUM_BUS_ENUMERATOR
  477. 00434770*      _IID_IDirectInputJoyConfig
  478. 00434760*      _IID_IDirectInputEffectDriver
  479. 00434750*      _GUID_CustomForce
  480. 00434740*      _GUID_Friction
  481. 00434730*      _GUID_Inertia
  482. 00434720*      _GUID_Damper
  483. 00434710*      _GUID_Spring
  484. 00434700*      _GUID_SawtoothDown
  485. 004346f0*      _GUID_SawtoothUp
  486. 004346e0*      _GUID_Triangle
  487. 004346d0*      _GUID_Sine
  488. 004346c0*      _GUID_Square
  489. 004346b0*      _GUID_RampForce
  490. 004346a0*      _GUID_ConstantForce
  491. 00434690*      _GUID_Joystick
  492. 00434680*      _GUID_SysKeyboard
  493. 00434670       _GUID_SysMouse
  494. 00434660*      _GUID_Unknown
  495. 00434650*      _GUID_POV
  496. 00434640*      _GUID_Key
  497. 00434630*      _GUID_Button
  498. 00434620*      _GUID_Slider
  499. 00434610*      _GUID_RzAxis
  500. 00434600*      _GUID_RyAxis
  501. 004345f0*      _GUID_RxAxis
  502. 004345e0*      _GUID_ZAxis
  503. 004345d0*      _GUID_YAxis
  504. 004345c0*      _GUID_XAxis
  505. 004345b0*      _IID_IDirectInputEffect
  506. 004345a0*      _IID_IDirectInputDevice2W
  507. 00434590*      _IID_IDirectInputDevice2A
  508. 00434580*      _IID_IDirectInputDeviceW
  509. 00434570*      _IID_IDirectInputDeviceA
  510. 00434560*      _IID_IDirectInput2W
  511. 00434550*      _IID_IDirectInput2A
  512. 00434540*      _IID_IDirectInputW
  513. 00434530*      _IID_IDirectInputA
  514. 00434520*      _CLSID_DirectInputDevice
  515. 00434510*      _CLSID_DirectInput
  516. 00434500*      _TID_DXFILEHeader
  517. 004344f0*      _IID_IDirectXFileBinary
  518. 004344e0*      _IID_IDirectXFileDataReference
  519. 004344d0*      _IID_IDirectXFileData
  520. 004344c0*      _IID_IDirectXFileObject
  521. 004344b0*      _IID_IDirectXFileSaveObject
  522. 004344a0*      _IID_IDirectXFileEnumObject
  523. 00434490*      _IID_IDirectXFile
  524. 00434480*      _CLSID_CDirectXFile
  525. 00434470*      _TID_D3DRMRightHanded
  526. 00434460*      _TID_D3DRMPropertyBag
  527. 00434450*      _TID_D3DRMStringProperty
  528. 00434440*      _TID_D3DRMExternalVisual
  529. 00434430*      _TID_D3DRMProgressiveMesh
  530. 00434420*      _TID_D3DRMUrl
  531. 00434410*      _TID_D3DRMInlineData
  532. 00434400*      _TID_D3DRMLightAttenuation
  533. 004343f0*      _TID_D3DRMLightPenumbra
  534. 004343e0*      _TID_D3DRMLightRange
  535. 004343d0*      _TID_D3DRMLightUmbra
  536. 004343c0*      _TID_D3DRMAppData
  537. 004343b0*      _TID_D3DRMCamera
  538. 004343a0*      _TID_D3DRMLight
  539. 00434390*      _TID_D3DRMFrameRotation
  540. 00434380*      _TID_D3DRMFrameVelocity
  541. 00434370*      _TID_D3DRMFramePosition
  542. 00434360*      _TID_D3DRMAnimationOptions
  543. 00434350*      _TID_D3DRMTimedFloatKeys
  544. 00434340*      _TID_D3DRMBoolean2d
  545. 00434330*      _TID_D3DRMMeshFaceWraps
  546. 00434320*      _TID_D3DRMBoolean
  547. 00434310*      _TID_D3DRMMaterialWrap
  548. 00434300*      _TID_D3DRMMeshVertexColors
  549. 004342f0*      _TID_D3DRMIndexedColor
  550. 004342e0*      _TID_D3DRMTextureReference
  551. 004342d0*      _TID_D3DRMTextureFilename
  552. 004342c0*      _TID_D3DRMGuid
  553. 004342b0*      _TID_D3DRMColorRGB
  554. 004342a0*      _TID_D3DRMColorRGBA
  555. 00434290*      _TID_D3DRMMaterialPower
  556. 00434280*      _TID_D3DRMMaterialEmissiveColor
  557. 00434270*      _TID_D3DRMMaterialSpecularColor
  558. 00434260*      _TID_D3DRMMaterialDiffuseColor
  559. 00434250*      _TID_D3DRMMaterialAmbientColor
  560. 00434240*      _TID_D3DRMFloatKeys
  561. 00434230*      _TID_D3DRMAnimationKey
  562. 00434220*      _TID_D3DRMAnimationSet
  563. 00434210*      _TID_D3DRMAnimation
  564. 00434200*      _TID_D3DRMMatrix4x4
  565. 004341f0*      _TID_D3DRMCoords2d
  566. 004341e0*      _TID_D3DRMMeshNormals
  567. 004341d0*      _TID_D3DRMMeshTextureCoords
  568. 004341c0*      _TID_D3DRMMeshMaterialList
  569. 004341b0*      _TID_D3DRMFrameTransformMatrix
  570. 004341a0*      _TID_D3DRMFrame
  571. 00434190*      _TID_D3DRMMaterialArray
  572. 00434180*      _TID_D3DRMMaterial
  573. 00434170*      _TID_D3DRMMeshFace
  574. 00434160*      _TID_D3DRMVector
  575. 00434150*      _TID_D3DRMMesh
  576. 00434140*      _TID_D3DRMInfo
  577. 00434130*      _IID_IDirect3DRMWinDevice
  578. 00434120*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRM
  579. 00434110*      _IID_IDirect3DRM3
  580. 00434100*      _IID_IDirect3DRM2
  581. 004340f0*      _IID_IDirect3DRM
  582. 004340e0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMClippedVisual
  583. 004340d0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMPicked2Array
  584. 004340c0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMProgressiveMesh
  585. 004340b0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMInterpolator
  586. 004340a0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMShadow2
  587. 00434090*      _IID_IDirect3DRMShadow
  588. 00434080*      _IID_IDirect3DRMUserVisual
  589. 00434070*      _IID_IDirect3DRMAnimationArray
  590. 00434060*      _IID_IDirect3DRMFaceArray
  591. 00434050*      _IID_IDirect3DRMPickedArray
  592. 00434040*      _IID_IDirect3DRMLightArray
  593. 00434030*      _IID_IDirect3DRMVisualArray
  594. 00434020*      _IID_IDirect3DRMFrameArray
  595. 00434010*      _IID_IDirect3DRMViewportArray
  596. 00434000*      _IID_IDirect3DRMDeviceArray
  597. 00433ff0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMObjectArray
  598. 00433fe0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMAnimationSet2
  599. 00433fd0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMAnimationSet
  600. 00433fc0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMAnimation2
  601. 00433fb0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMAnimation
  602. 00433fa0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMMaterial2
  603. 00433f90*      _IID_IDirect3DRMMaterial
  604. 00433f80*      _IID_IDirect3DRMWrap
  605. 00433f70*      _IID_IDirect3DRMTexture3
  606. 00433f60*      _IID_IDirect3DRMTexture2
  607. 00433f50*      _IID_IDirect3DRMTexture
  608. 00433f40*      _IID_IDirect3DRMLight
  609. 00433f30*      _IID_IDirect3DRMFace2
  610. 00433f20*      _IID_IDirect3DRMFace
  611. 00433f10*      _IID_IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder3
  612. 00433f00*      _IID_IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder2
  613. 00433ef0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder
  614. 00433ee0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMMesh
  615. 00433ed0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMVisual
  616. 00433ec0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMFrame3
  617. 00433eb0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMFrame2
  618. 00433ea0*      _IID_IDirect3DRMFrame
  619. 00433e90*      _IID_IDirect3DRMViewport2
  620. 00433e80*      _IID_IDirect3DRMViewport
  621. 00433e70*      _IID_IDirect3DRMDevice3
  622. 00433e60*      _IID_IDirect3DRMDevice2
  623. 00433e50*      _IID_IDirect3DRMDevice
  624. 00433e40*      _IID_IDirect3DRMObject2
  625. 00433e30*      _IID_IDirect3DRMObject
  626. 00433e20*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMClippedVisual
  627. 00433e10*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMProgressiveMesh
  628. 00433e00*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMTextureInterpolator
  629. 00433df0*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMMaterialInterpolator
  630. 00433de0*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMLightInterpolator
  631. 00433dd0*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMMeshInterpolator
  632. 00433dc0*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMFrameInterpolator
  633. 00433db0*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMViewportInterpolator
  634. 00433da0*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMShadow
  635. 00433d90*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMUserVisual
  636. 00433d80*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMAnimationSet
  637. 00433d70*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMAnimation
  638. 00433d60*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMMaterial
  639. 00433d50*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMWrap
  640. 00433d40*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMTexture
  641. 00433d30*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMLight
  642. 00433d20*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMFace
  643. 00433d10*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMMeshBuilder
  644. 00433d00*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMMesh
  645. 00433cf0*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMFrame
  646. 00433ce0*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMViewport
  647. 00433cd0*      _CLSID_CDirect3DRMDevice
  648. 00433cc0*      _IID_IDirect3DVertexBuffer
  649. 00433cb0*      _IID_IDirect3DViewport3
  650. 00433ca0*      _IID_IDirect3DViewport2
  651. 00433c90*      _IID_IDirect3DViewport
  652. 00433c80*      _IID_IDirect3DExecuteBuffer
  653. 00433c70*      _IID_IDirect3DMaterial3
  654. 00433c60*      _IID_IDirect3DMaterial2
  655. 00433c50*      _IID_IDirect3DMaterial
  656. 00433c40*      _IID_IDirect3DLight
  657. 00433c30*      _IID_IDirect3DTexture2
  658. 00433c20*      _IID_IDirect3DTexture
  659. 00433c10*      _IID_IDirect3DDevice3
  660. 00433c00*      _IID_IDirect3DDevice2
  661. 00433bf0*      _IID_IDirect3DDevice
  662. 00433be0*      _IID_IDirect3DNullDevice
  663. 00433bd0*      _IID_IDirect3DRefDevice
  664. 00433bc0*      _IID_IDirect3DMMXDevice
  665. 00433bb0*      _IID_IDirect3DHALDevice
  666. 00433ba0*      _IID_IDirect3DRGBDevice
  667. 00433b90*      _IID_IDirect3DRampDevice
  668. 00433b80*      _IID_IDirect3D3
  669. 00433b70*      _IID_IDirect3D2
  670. 00433b60*      _IID_IDirect3D
  671. 00433b50*      _GUID_MotionCompCallbacks
  672. 00433b40*      _GUID_NTCallbacks
  673. 00433b30*      _GUID_D3DParseUnknownCommandCallback
  674. 00433b20*      _GUID_UserModeDriverPassword
  675. 00433b10*      _GUID_UserModeDriverInfo
  676. 00433b00*      _GUID_OptSurfaceUmodeInfo
  677. 00433af0*      _GUID_OptSurfaceKmodeInfo
  678. 00433ae0*      _GUID_DDMoreSurfaceCaps
  679. 00433ad0*      _GUID_ZPixelFormats
  680. 00433ac0*      _GUID_D3DExtendedCaps
  681. 00433ab0*      _GUID_KernelCaps
  682. 00433aa0*      _GUID_KernelCallbacks
  683. 00433a90*      _GUID_NonLocalVidMemCaps
  684. 00433a80*      _GUID_D3DCallbacks3
  685. 00433a70*      _GUID_D3DCommandBufferCallbacks
  686. 00433a60*      _GUID_D3DCallbacks2
  687. 00433a50*      _GUID_VideoPortCaps
  688. 00433a40*      _GUID_ColorControlCallbacks
  689. 00433a30*      _GUID_VideoPortCallbacks
  690. 00433a20*      _GUID_MiscellaneousCallbacks
  691. 00433a10*      _IID_IDirectDrawMotionComp
  692. 00433a00*      _IID_IDDMotionCompContainer
  693. 004339f0*      _IID_IDirectDrawSurfaceKernel
  694. 004339e0*      _IID_IDirectDrawKernel
  695. 004339d0*      _DDVPTYPE_PHILIPS
  696. 004339c0*      _DDVPTYPE_BROOKTREE
  697. 004339b0*      _DDVPTYPE_CCIR656
  698. 004339a0*      _DDVPTYPE_E_HREFL_VREFL
  699. 00433990*      _DDVPTYPE_E_HREFL_VREFH
  700. 00433980*      _DDVPTYPE_E_HREFH_VREFL
  701. 00433970*      _DDVPTYPE_E_HREFH_VREFH
  702. 00433960*      _IID_IDirectDrawVideoPort
  703. 00433950*      _IID_IDDVideoPortContainer
  704. 00433940*      _IID_IDirectDrawGammaControl
  705. 00433930*      _IID_IDirectDrawColorControl
  706. 00433920*      _IID_IDirectDrawClipper
  707. 00433910*      _IID_IDirectDrawPalette
  708. 00433900*      _IID_IDirectDrawPalette2
  709. 004338f0*      _IID_IDirectDrawOptSurface
  710. 004338e0*      _GUID_DirectDrawPaletteStream
  711. 004338d0*      _GUID_DirectDrawSurfaceStream
  712. 004338c0*      _IID_IDirectDrawFactory2
  713. 004338b0*      _CLSID_DirectDrawFactory2
  714. 004338a0*      _IID_IDirectDrawSurface4
  715. 00433890*      _IID_IDirectDrawSurface3
  716. 00433880*      _IID_IDirectDrawSurface2
  717. 00433870*      _IID_IDirectDrawSurface
  718. 00433860       _IID_IDirectDraw4
  719. 00433850*      _IID_IDirectDraw2
  720. 00433840*      _IID_IDirectDraw
  721. 00433830*      _CLSID_DirectDrawClipper
  722. 00433820*      _CLSID_DirectDraw
  723. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\math387r.lib(fchop)
  724. 004236b8       __CHP
  725. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(cntrl87)
  726. 004236e0       _control87_
  727. Module: c:\dx6sdk\lib\dinput.lib(..\dilib1.c)
  728. 0042e7a0       _c_dfDIMouse
  729. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(abs)
  730. 00423730*      abs_
  731. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fltused)
  732. 00432e40       _fltused_
  733. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\emu387.lib(386inite)
  734. 00423741*      __fini_387_emulator
  735. 00423740       __init_387_emulator
  736. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(01h)
  737. 00432e44       __8087
  738. 00432e45*      __real87
  739. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(iob)
  740. 00432e48       ___iob
  741. 00433050*      ___tmpfnext
  742. 00433054*      __fmode
  743. 00436040*      ___OpenStreams
  744. 00436044*      ___ClosedStreams
  745. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fprintf)
  746. 00423750       fprintf_
  747. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(getenv)
  748. 00423780*      getenv_
  749. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(sscanf)
  750. 00423810+      vsscanf_
  751. 00423838*      sscanf_
  752. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(nmalloc)
  753. 00423860*      _nmalloc_
  754. 00423860       malloc_
  755. 00433058+      ___nheapbeg
  756. 0043305c+      ___MiniHeapRover
  757. 00433060+      ___LargestSizeB4MiniHeapRover
  758. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(nfree)
  759. 00423950*      _nfree_
  760. 00423950       free_
  761. 00436050+      ___MiniHeapFreeRover
  762. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(dstrt386)
  763. 00423a56*      __DLLstart_
  764. 00423a56*      __DLLstartw_
  765. 00423a56*      _DllMainCRTStartup@12
  766. 00423a56*      _wDllMainCRTStartup@12
  767. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(nrealloc)
  768. 00423ad0*      _nrealloc_
  769. 00423ad0       realloc_
  770. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(memmove)
  771. 00423b50       memmove_
  772. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(prtf)
  773. 00423ba0*      __prtf_
  774. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(iobaddr)
  775. 004249d0*      __get_std_stream_
  776. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(xmsgwnt)
  777. 004249f0+      __exit_with_msg_
  778. 00424a2c*      __fatal_runtime_error_
  779. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mainwnt)
  780. 00436060*      ___Is_DLL
  781. 00433064*      ___TlsIndex
  782. 00433068+      ___GetThreadPtr
  783. 0043306c*      __AccessFileH
  784. 00433070*      __ReleaseFileH
  785. 00433074*      __InitAccessH
  786. 00433078*      __FiniAccessH
  787. 0043307c*      __AccessIOB
  788. 00433080*      __ReleaseIOB
  789. 00433084*      __AccessNHeap
  790. 00433088*      __AccessFHeap
  791. 0043308c*      __ReleaseNHeap
  792. 00424a50*      __threadid_
  793. 00424a64+      __sig_null_rtn_
  794. 00424a78+      __NTInit_
  795. 00424ca8*      __NTMainInit_
  796. 00424cfc*      __exit_
  797. 00433090*      __ReleaseFHeap
  798. 00433094*      __AccessTDList
  799. 00433098*      __ReleaseTDList
  800. 0043309c*      __AccessFList
  801. 004330a0*      __ReleaseFList
  802. 004330a4+      __ThreadExitRtn
  803. 004330a8+      ___sig_init_rtn
  804. 004330ac*      ___sig_fini_rtn
  805. 004330b0+      ___process_fini
  806. 0043606c+      ___FirstThreadData
  807. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(initrtns)
  808. 00424d8c*      __InitRtns
  809. 00424ddc*      __FiniRtns
  810. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(winrtns)
  811. 004330b4*      __WindowsIsWindowedHandle
  812. 004330b8*      __WindowsRemoveWindowedHandle
  813. 004330bc*      __WindowsNewWindow
  814. 004330c0*      __WindowsCloseWindow
  815. 004330c4*      __WindowsSetAbout
  816. 004330c8*      __WindowsSetAppTitle
  817. 004330cc*      __WindowsSetConTitle
  818. 004330d0*      __WindowsDestroyOnClose
  819. 004330d4*      __WindowsYieldControl
  820. 004330d8*      __WindowsShutDown
  821. 004330dc*      __WindowsStdin
  822. 004330e0*      __WindowsStdout
  823. 004330e4*      __WindowsKbhit
  824. 004330e8*      __WindowsGetch
  825. 004330ec*      __WindowsGetche
  826. 004330f0*      __WindowsPutch
  827. 004330f4*      __WindowExitRtn
  828. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(__stos)
  829. 00424e30*      __STOSB
  830. 00424e67*      __STOSD
  831. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(setefg)
  832. 00424ee0*      __setEFGfmt_
  833. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\math387r.lib(cnvs2d)
  834. 00424efb*      __cnvs2d_
  835. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\math387r.lib(cnvd2f)
  836. 00424f09*      __cnvd2f_
  837. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\math387r.lib(ldcvt)
  838. 0042505b+      _LDScale10x_
  839. 004250b5*      __LDcvt_
  840. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\math387r.lib(_i_fcvt_)
  841. 00425a6c*      _fcvt_
  842. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(chk8087)
  843. 00425a8c+      __init_8087_
  844. 00425ac0*      _fpreset_
  845. 00425acc*      __chk8087_
  846. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(crwdata)
  847. 004331a4*      __psp
  848. 004331cf*      __osmajor
  849. 004331d0*      __osminor
  850. 004331d1*      __osbuild
  851. 004331d3*      __osver
  852. 004331d7*      __winmajor
  853. 004331db*      __winminor
  854. 004331df*      __winver
  855. 004331c6*      __Extender
  856. 004331c7*      __ExtenderSubtype
  857. 004331c8*      __X32VM
  858. 004331a8*      __x386_stacklow
  859. 0043318c*      __LpCmdLine
  860. 00433190*      __LpPgmName
  861. 00433194*      __LpDllName
  862. 00433198*      __LpwCmdLine
  863. 0043319c*      __LpwPgmName
  864. 004331a0*      __LpwDllName
  865. 00433184*      __dynend
  866. 00433188*      __curbrk
  867. 004331a8*      __STACKLOW
  868. 004331ac*      __STACKTOP
  869. 004331b0*      __ASTACKSIZ
  870. 004331b4*      __ASTACKPTR
  871. 004331b8*      __cbyte
  872. 004331bc*      __cbyte2
  873. 004331c0*      __child
  874. 004331c9*      __Envptr
  875. 004331cd*      __Envseg
  876. 004331c4*      __no87
  877. 004331e3*      __FPE_handler
  878. 004331e3*      ___FPE_handler
  879. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(initfile)
  880. 00425b20*      __InitFiles_
  881. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(ioexit)
  882. 00425bc0*      __full_io_exit_
  883. 00425bcc*      fcloseall_
  884. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fprtf)
  885. 00425c44*      __fprtf_
  886. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(environ)
  887. 00436690*      ___env_mask
  888. 00436694*      _environ
  889. 00436698*      __wenviron
  890. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbsnicmp)
  891. 00425d10*      _mbsnicmp_
  892. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(scnf)
  893. 00425da0*      __scnf_
  894. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mem)
  895. 00426cb0*      __MemAllocator
  896. 00426d60*      __MemFree
  897. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(grownear)
  898. 00426fc4*      __ExpandDGROUP_
  899. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(nmemneed)
  900. 00427030*      __nmemneed_
  901. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(heapmod)
  902. 004366a0*      ___nheap_clean
  903. 004366a1*      ___fheap_clean
  904. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(dmainwnt)
  905. 00427050*      __LibMain@12
  906. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(segdefns)
  907. 00401003*      ___begtext
  908. 00430000*      __nullarea
  909. 00435090*      __Start_XI
  910. 004350d2*      __End_XI
  911. 004350d2*      __Start_YI
  912. 004350fc*      __End_YI
  913. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(nmsize)
  914. 004271f0*      _nmsize_
  915. 004271f0*      _msize_
  916. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(nexpand)
  917. 00427200*      _nexpand_
  918. 00427200*      _expand_
  919. 0042723c+      __HeapManager_expand_
  920. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(stackwnt)
  921. 00427400*      stackavail_
  922. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(stk)
  923. 00427411*      __CHK
  924. 00427421*      __STK
  925. 00427440*      __STKOVERFLOW_
  926. 00427450*      __GRO
  927. 00427470*      __alloca_probe
  928. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(wctomb)
  929. 00427490*      wctomb_
  930. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(itoa)
  931. 004274d0+      utoa_
  932. 0042751c*      itoa_
  933. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(noefgfmt)
  934. 0043322c*      ___EFG_printf
  935. 00433230*      ___EFG_scanf
  936. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(lltoa)
  937. 00427560*      __clib_ulltoa_
  938. 004275f8*      __clib_lltoa_
  939. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(ltoa)
  940. 00427650*      ultoa_
  941. 0042769c*      ltoa_
  942. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbisdbcs)
  943. 004366c0*      ___IsDBCS
  944. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbislead)
  945. 004276c0*      _ismbblead_
  946. 004366d0*      ___MBCSIsTable
  947. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(toupper)
  948. 004276e0*      toupper_
  949. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(flush)
  950. 004276f0*      __flush_
  951. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(nthdl)
  952. 00433284*      ___FileHandleIDs
  953. 00427810*      __NTAtMaxFiles_
  954. 00427864*      __NTAddFileHandle_
  955. 004278e8*      __NTAddSpecificFileHandle_
  956. 004279bc*      __NTRemoveFileHandle_
  957. 004279f0*      __NTInitFileHandles_
  958. 00427a50+      __NTGetFakeHandle_
  959. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(enterdb)
  960. 00427aa0*      __EnterWVIDEO_
  961. 00433290+      ___WD_Present
  962. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mthread)
  963. 00427ad4+      __NTGetCriticalSection_
  964. 00427b78+      __NTDeleteCriticalSection_
  965. 00427ba8+      __NTFreeCriticalSection_
  966. 00427c00+      __CloseSemaphore_
  967. 00427c10+      __AccessIOB_
  968. 00427c1c+      __ReleaseIOB_
  969. 00427c28+      __AccessFileH_
  970. 00427c38+      __ReleaseFileH_
  971. 00427c48+      __InitAccessH_
  972. 00427c50+      __FiniAccessH_
  973. 00427c6c+      __AccessNHeap_
  974. 00427c74+      __ReleaseNHeap_
  975. 00427c80+      __AccessFHeap_
  976. 00427c88+      __ReleaseFHeap_
  977. 00427c94+      __AccessTDList_
  978. 00427c9c+      __ReleaseTDList_
  979. 00427ca4+      __AccessFList_
  980. 00427cac+      __AccessSemaphore_
  981. 00427d08+      __ReleaseFList_
  982. 00427d10+      __ReleaseSemaphore_
  983. 00427d38+      __MultipleThread_
  984. 00427d7c*      __AllocInitThreadData_
  985. 00427db8*      __NTThreadInit_
  986. 00427e18*      __NTAddThread_
  987. 00427e6c*      __NTRemoveThread_
  988. 00427ed0+      __NTThreadFini_
  989. 00427ef4*      __InitMultipleThread_
  990. 00433294+      ___AccessSema4
  991. 00433298+      ___ReleaseSema4
  992. 0043329c+      ___CloseSema4
  993. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(getmodfn)
  994. 00428090*      __lib_GetModuleFileNameW_
  995. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(strdup)
  996. 00428130*      __clib_strdup_
  997. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(istable)
  998. 004332a0*      __IsTable
  999. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(ustrdup)
  1000. 00428180*      __clib_wcsdup_
  1001. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(stklmwnt)
  1002. 004281b0*      __init_stack_limits_
  1003. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(excptwnt)
  1004. 00428498+      ___ExceptionFilter
  1005. 00428660*      __NewExceptionHandler_
  1006. 004286ac*      __DoneExceptionHandler_
  1007. 004333a4+      ___oscode_check_func
  1008. 004333a8+      ___raise_func
  1009. 00436f50*      _sw
  1010. 00436f54+      ___ExceptionHandled
  1011. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\math387r.lib(efgfmt)
  1012. 004286d0*      _EFG_Format_
  1013. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\math387r.lib(strtod)
  1014. 004287e4+      __Strtold_
  1015. 00428978*      strtod_
  1016. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\math387r.lib(ldclass)
  1017. 00428a52*      __LDClass_
  1018. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\math387r.lib(efcvt)
  1019. 00428ada*      ecvt_
  1020. 00428b13*      fcvt_
  1021. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(save8087)
  1022. 004333c0*      ___Save8087
  1023. 004333c4*      ___Rest8087
  1024. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(8087cw)
  1025. 004333c8*      __8087cw
  1026. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(init8087)
  1027. 00428b60*      __init_80x87
  1028. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(allocfp)
  1029. 00428b90*      __allocfp_
  1030. 00428c54*      __freefp_
  1031. 00428c90*      __purgefp_
  1032. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fclose)
  1033. 00428cc0*      fclose_
  1034. 00428d04*      __shutdown_stream_
  1035. 00428d28+      __MkTmpFile_
  1036. 00428dd4+      __doclose_
  1037. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fputc)
  1038. 00428ea0*      fputc_
  1039. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(ioalloc)
  1040. 00428fc0*      __ioalloc_
  1041. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(setenvp)
  1042. 00429058*      __setenvp_
  1043. 0042913c*      __freeenvp_
  1044. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbterm)
  1045. 00429190*      _mbterm_
  1046. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbcicmp)
  1047. 004291d0*      _mbcicmp_
  1048. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbsinc)
  1049. 00429230*      _mbsinc_
  1050. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbtowc)
  1051. 00429260*      mbtowc_
  1052. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fdfs)
  1053. 00429300*      __FDFS
  1054. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(i8m)
  1055. 0042934c*      __I8M
  1056. 0042934c*      __U8M
  1057. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(tolower)
  1058. 00429370*      tolower_
  1059. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(heapen)
  1060. 00429380*      _heapenable_
  1061. 004333cc*      ___heap_enabled
  1062. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(nheapmin)
  1063. 004293b0*      _nheapshrink_
  1064. 004293b0*      _nheapmin_
  1065. 004293b0*      _heapmin_
  1066. 004293b0*      _heapshrink_
  1067. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(amblksiz)
  1068. 004333d0*      __amblksiz
  1069. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(lmainwnt)
  1070. 00429480*      _LibMain@12
  1071. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(ddgrpwnt)
  1072. 004294a0*      __disallow_single_dgroup_
  1073. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(rdllmwnt)
  1074. 004333d4*      __pRawDllMain
  1075. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(cinit)
  1076. 00429580*      __CommonInit_
  1077. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(dosseg)
  1078. 00001234*      __DOSseg__
  1079. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbinit)
  1080. 00429590*      __mbinit_
  1081. 004333d8*      ___MBCodePage
  1082. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(i8d)
  1083. 004296f4*      __I8D
  1084. 00429749*      __U8D
  1085. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fwrite)
  1086. 004297e0*      fwrite_
  1087. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fflush)
  1088. 004299f0*      fflush_
  1089. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fgetc)
  1090. 00429a00*      fgetc_
  1091. 00429ac8+      __filbuf_
  1092. 00429af8+      __fill_buffer_
  1093. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(liballoc)
  1094. 00429bc0*      _plib_malloc_
  1095. 00429bc8*      _plib_free_
  1096. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(qwrit)
  1097. 00429bd0*      __qwrite_
  1098. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(seterrno)
  1099. 00429cc0*      __set_errno_
  1100. 00429cd0*      __set_EDOM_
  1101. 00429ce4*      __set_ERANGE_
  1102. 00429cf8*      __set_EINVAL_
  1103. 00429d08*      __set_doserrno_
  1104. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(lseekwnt)
  1105. 00429d20*      lseek_
  1106. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fsync)
  1107. 00429da0*      fsync_
  1108. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(iomode)
  1109. 00429e00*      __IOMode_
  1110. 00429e58*      __SetIOMode_
  1111. 004333dc*      ___NFiles
  1112. 004333e0+      ___init_mode
  1113. 00433430+      __iomode
  1114. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(calloc)
  1115. 00429e80*      calloc_
  1116. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(trdlist)
  1117. 00429ea0*      __GetThreadData_
  1118. 00429edc*      __ReallocThreadData_
  1119. 00429fb0*      __AddThreadData_
  1120. 0042a014*      __RemoveThreadData_
  1121. 0042a060*      __ResizeThreadDataList_
  1122. 0042a088*      __FreeThreadDataList_
  1123. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(regdata)
  1124. 0042a0c0*      __RegisterThreadDataSize_
  1125. 00433434*      ___ThreadDataSize
  1126. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mthrdini)
  1127. 0042a0f0*      __InitThreadData_
  1128. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(trdalloc)
  1129. 0042a120*      __FiniThreadProcessing_
  1130. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(ustrlen)
  1131. 0042a130*      wcslen_
  1132. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(conutwnt)
  1133. 0042a150*      __NTRealKey_
  1134. 0042a1e8*      __NTConsoleInput_
  1135. 0042a1f4*      __NTConsoleOutput_
  1136. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fclex387)
  1137. 0042a200*      _ClearFPE_
  1138. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(signlwnt)
  1139. 00433440+      _SignalTable
  1140. 0042a210+      __SetSignalFunc_
  1141. 0042a258+      __GetSignalFunc_
  1142. 0042a27c+      __GetSignalOSCode_
  1143. 0042a2a0+      __CheckSignalExCode_
  1144. 0042a3c8+      __sigabort_
  1145. 0042a3d4*      __sigfpe_handler_
  1146. 0042a418*      signal_
  1147. 0042a4c8+      raise_
  1148. 0042a538+      __SigInit_
  1149. 0042a580+      __SigFini_
  1150. 0042a5b0+      __sig_init_
  1151. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(bufld386)
  1152. 0042a5cc*      __ZBuf2LD
  1153. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(hugeval)
  1154. 00432458*      __HugeValue
  1155. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(cvtbuf)
  1156. 0042a670*      __CVTBuffer_
  1157. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\math387r.lib(cvt)
  1158. 0042a67c*      __cvt_
  1159. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(gtpidwnt)
  1160. 0042a710*      getpid_
  1161. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(tmpfl)
  1162. 0042a720*      tmpfile_
  1163. 0042a830*      __GetTmpPath_
  1164. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(ftell)
  1165. 0042a900*      ftell_
  1166. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(_clsewnt)
  1167. 0042a960*      __close_
  1168. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(remove)
  1169. 0042a9f0*      remove_
  1170. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(chktty)
  1171. 0042aa00*      __chktty_
  1172. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(dofilstr)
  1173. 0042aa40*      __ParsePosixHandleStr_
  1174. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(clearenv)
  1175. 0042ab60*      clearenv_
  1176. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbccpy)
  1177. 0042ac00*      _mbccpy_
  1178. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbclen)
  1179. 0042ac40*      _mbclen_
  1180. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbsupr)
  1181. 0042ac70*      _mbsupr_
  1182. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbccmp)
  1183. 0042acc0*      _mbccmp_
  1184. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(lmn2wnt)
  1185. 0042ad20*      _DllMain@12
  1186. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(flushall)
  1187. 0042ad30*      flushall_
  1188. 0042ad38*      __flushall_
  1189. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(gtchewnt)
  1190. 0042ad80*      getche_
  1191. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(qread)
  1192. 0042adb0*      __qread_
  1193. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(dosret)
  1194. 0042ae50*      _dosret0_
  1195. 0042ae58*      _dosretax_
  1196. 0042ae5c+      __set_errno_dos_
  1197. 0042aec4*      __set_errno_nt_
  1198. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(isattwnt)
  1199. 0042aee0*      isatty_
  1200. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(register)
  1201. 0042af54*      _beginthread_
  1202. 0042af5c*      _endthread_
  1203. 0042af64*      __initthread_
  1204. 0042af6c*      __RegisterThreadData_
  1205. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(accsswnt)
  1206. 0042afb0*      access_
  1207. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fopen)
  1208. 0042aff0+      __open_flags_
  1209. 0042b214+      _fsopen_
  1210. 0042b258*      fopen_
  1211. 0042b2ec*      freopen_
  1212. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(errno)
  1213. 0042b370*      __get_errno_ptr_
  1214. 0042b37c*      __get_doserrno_ptr_
  1215. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(renamwnt)
  1216. 0042b390*      rename_
  1217. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fullpath)
  1218. 0042b3b0*      _fullpath_
  1219. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(gtcwdwnt)
  1220. 0042b460*      getcwd_
  1221. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(tellwnt)
  1222. 0042b500*      tell_
  1223. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(unlnkwnt)
  1224. 0042b560*      unlink_
  1225. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(strncpy)
  1226. 0042b580*      strncpy_
  1227. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(strtol)
  1228. 0042b704*      strtoul_
  1229. 0042b710*      strtol_
  1230. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(putenv)
  1231. 0042b780*      putenv_
  1232. 0042b93c+      __putenv_
  1233. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbsnextc)
  1234. 0042bbf0*      _mbsnextc_
  1235. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbcupper)
  1236. 0042bc30*      _mbctoupper_
  1237. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbconv)
  1238. 0042bca0*      _mbvtop_
  1239. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(getchwnt)
  1240. 0042bdc4*      getch_
  1241. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(putchwnt)
  1242. 0042be40*      putch_
  1243. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(thredwnt)
  1244. 0042bf44*      __CBeginThread_
  1245. 0042c030*      __CEndThread_
  1246. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(comtflag)
  1247. 0042c060*      __set_commode_
  1248. 00433678*      __commode
  1249. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(openwnt)
  1250. 0042c070*      open_
  1251. 0042c094*      sopen_
  1252. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(fseek)
  1253. 0042c348*      fseek_
  1254. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(stricmp)
  1255. 0042c4c0*      stricmp_
  1256. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbschr)
  1257. 0042c500*      _mbschr_
  1258. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbslen)
  1259. 0042c560*      _mbslen_
  1260. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbstowcs)
  1261. 0042c590*      mbstowcs_
  1262. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(uputenv)
  1263. 0042c610*      _wputenv_
  1264. 0042c7a8*      __wputenv_
  1265. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbdtoupp)
  1266. 0042ca40*      _mbdtoupper_
  1267. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(ntfio)
  1268. 0042ca60*      __GetNTCreateAttr_
  1269. 0042ca90*      __GetNTAccessAttr_
  1270. 0042cac4*      __GetNTShareAttr_
  1271. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(umaskval)
  1272. 0043367c*      ___umaskval
  1273. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(ustrchr)
  1274. 0042cb20*      wcschr_
  1275. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(setenvar)
  1276. 0042cb50*      __lib_SetEnvironmentVariableW_
  1277. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(crtwenv)
  1278. 0042cc50*      __create_wide_environment_
  1279. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(wcstombs)
  1280. 0042ccb0*      wcstombs_
  1281. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(utoupper)
  1282. 0042cd70*      towupper_
  1283. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(ismbdlow)
  1284. 0042cd80*      _ismbdlower_
  1285. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbislegl)
  1286. 0042cdd0*      _ismbclegal_
  1287. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(mbistrai)
  1288. 0042ce10*      _ismbbtrail_
  1289. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\clib3r.lib(isktable)
  1290. 00433680*      __IsKTable
  1291. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(opnewarr)
  1292. 0042ce50       void near * near operator new []( int unsigned )
  1293. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(opdelarr)
  1294. 0042ce55       void near operator delete []( void near * )
  1295. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(opdel)
  1296. 0042ce5a       void near operator delete( void near * )
  1297. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(opnew)
  1298. 0042ce63       void near * near operator new( int unsigned )
  1299. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(pure_err)
  1300. 0042cea5*      __wcpp_4_pure_error__
  1301. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(undefed)
  1302. 0042cecb       __wcpp_4_undefed_cdtor__
  1303. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(opnewp)
  1304. 0042cedd       void near * near operator new( int unsigned, void near * )
  1305. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(manendl)
  1306. 0042cefa+      istream near & near operator >>( istream near &, <long near >::smanip const near & )
  1307. 0042cf11+      istream near & near operator >>( istream near &, <int near >::smanip const near & )
  1308. 0042cf28+      ostream near & near operator <<( ostream near &, <long near >::smanip const near & )
  1309. 0042cf3f+      ostream near & near operator <<( ostream near &, <int near >::smanip const near & )
  1310. 0042cee0       ostream near & near endl( ostream near & )
  1311. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(ioicout)
  1312. 004373b8       ostream near cout
  1313. 0042cfaa+      near cout_initfini::cout_initfini()
  1314. 0042cfb2+      near cout_initfini::~cout_initfini()
  1315. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(ostincch)
  1316. 0042cfc3       ostream near & near ostream::operator <<( char const near * )
  1317. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(ostinomn)
  1318. 0042d03b       ostream near & near ostream::operator <<( ostream near & (near *)( ))
  1319. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(iofefg)
  1320. 004350c6       __ppfltused_
  1321. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(cppdata)
  1322. 004373f4*      __wint_thread_data
  1323. 00437418*      __compiled_under_NT
  1324. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(prwdata)
  1325. 004337e6*      __wint_pure_error_flag
  1326. 004337e8*      __wint_undef_vfun_flag
  1327. 004337ea*      __wint_module_init
  1328. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(fatalerr)
  1329. 0042d068*      __wcpp_4_fatal_runtime_error__
  1330. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(ostput)
  1331. 0042d08f*      ostream near & near ostream::put( char )
  1332. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(ostflush)
  1333. 0042d11f*      ostream near & near ostream::flush()
  1334. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(sdfdestr)
  1335. 0042d15e*      near stdiobuf::~stdiobuf()
  1336. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(ostdestr)
  1337. 0042d1bb*      near ostream::~ostream()
  1338. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(sdfconfp)
  1339. 0042d22e*      near stdiobuf::stdiobuf( __iobuf near * )
  1340. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stablcl)
  1341. 0042d23e*      __wcpp_4_lcl_register__
  1342. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(ostconsf)
  1343. 0042d243*      near ostream::ostream( streambuf near * )
  1344. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(moddtorr)
  1345. 004350f6*      ___wcpp_4_data_module_dtor_ref_
  1346. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(ostopfx)
  1347. 0042d290*      int near ostream::do_opfx()
  1348. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(iouwrtit)
  1349. 0042d2e6*      int near __WATCOM_ios::writeitem( ostream near &, char const near *, int, int )
  1350. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(iossetst)
  1351. 0042d620*      void near ios::setstate( int )
  1352. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(iofnoefg)
  1353. 0043380c*      void (near * near __EFG_cnvs2d)( char near *, double near * )
  1354. 00433810*      int (near * near __EFG_cnvd2f)( double near *, float near * )
  1355. 00433814*      void (near * near __EFG_LDcvt)( __6ks9tmlong_double near *, cvt_info near *, char near * )
  1356. 00433818*      char near * (near * near __EFG_fcvt)( double, int, int near *, int near * )
  1357. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(vfun_err)
  1358. 0042d64f*      __wcpp_4_undef_vfun__
  1359. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stfdsgtn)
  1360. 0042d675*      int near streambuf::do_sgetn( char near *, int )
  1361. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stfdspun)
  1362. 0042d6ec*      int near streambuf::do_sputn( char const near *, int )
  1363. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stfpbfai)
  1364. 0042d78c*      int near streambuf::pbackfail( int )
  1365. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(sdfoverf)
  1366. 0042d792*      int near stdiobuf::overflow( int )
  1367. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(sdfundrf)
  1368. 0042d8f9*      int near stdiobuf::underflow()
  1369. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stfsbuf)
  1370. 0042da0a*      streambuf near * near streambuf::setbuf( char near *, int )
  1371. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stfseeko)
  1372. 0042da53*      long near streambuf::seekoff( long, int, int )
  1373. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stfseekp)
  1374. 0042da59*      long near streambuf::seekpos( long, int )
  1375. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(sdfsync)
  1376. 0042da68*      int near stdiobuf::sync()
  1377. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stfdoall)
  1378. 0042da93*      int near streambuf::doallocate()
  1379. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stfdestr)
  1380. 0042dac9*      near streambuf::~streambuf()
  1381. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(dtorarst)
  1382. 0042dae9*      __wcpp_4_dtor_array_store__
  1383. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(iosdestr)
  1384. 0042db0a*      near ios::~ios()
  1385. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stfconde)
  1386. 0042db45*      near streambuf::streambuf()
  1387. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stabmod)
  1388. 0042db8f*      __wcpp_4_module_dtor__
  1389. 0042dbb6*      __wcpp_4_mod_register__
  1390. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(iosinit)
  1391. 0042dbc6*      void near ios::init( streambuf near * )
  1392. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(iosconde)
  1393. 0042dc14*      near ios::ios()
  1394. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(iosfail)
  1395. 0042dc1c*      near ios::failure::failure( int )
  1396. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stfsetb)
  1397. 0042dc1f*      void near streambuf::setb( char near *, char near *, int )
  1398. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stabadt)
  1399. 0042dc76+      void near * near dtor_the_array( _RTARCTOR near * )
  1400. 0042dcaa*      __wcpp_4_dtor_array__
  1401. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(ioufrxal)
  1402. 0042dcc9*      void near __WATCOM_ios::free_xalloc_storage( ios near * )
  1403. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\nt\plib3r.lib(stfsync)
  1404. 0042dcde*      int near streambuf::sync()
  1405. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\w_mylib.lib(C:\CPPW\WIN_LIB\ADVANCED\remap.cpp)
  1406. 0042e0ce+      near auto_def::auto_def()
  1407. 0042dd35       void near RemapIndex( char unsigned near *, char unsigned near *, char unsigned near *, void (near *)())
  1408. 0042df15       char unsigned near SingleIndex( char unsigned near *, char unsigned, char unsigned, char unsigned, int, int )
  1409. 0042e004       void near RemapMem( char unsigned near *, long unsigned, long unsigned, long unsigned, char unsigned near *, long unsigned )
  1410. Module: c:\cppw\lib386\w_mylib.lib(C:\CPPW\WIN_LIB\ADVANCED\radix_s.cpp)
  1411. 0042e63b+      void near * near GetStorage( int unsigned )
  1412. 0042e6c4+      void near FreeStorage( void near * )
  1413. 0042e6f8+      void near swap( int near &, int near & )
  1414. 0042e12e*      void near RadixSort4( sort_entry4 near *, int )
  1415. 0042e259*      void near RadixSort( sort_entry near *, int )
  1416. 0042e38e       void near RadixSort32( sort_entry_32 near *, int )
  1419.                         +----------------------+
  1420.                         |   Imported Symbols   |
  1421.                         +----------------------+
  1423. Symbol                              Module
  1424. ======                              ======
  1426. _dtaOpen@4                          icom_rd.dll
  1427. _dtaRead@12                         icom_rd.dll
  1428. _dtaClose@4                         icom_rd.dll
  1429. _WideCharToMultiByte@32             KERNEL32.dll
  1430. _SetStdHandle@8                     KERNEL32.dll
  1431. _GetStdHandle@4                     KERNEL32.dll
  1432. _InitializeCriticalSection@4        KERNEL32.dll
  1433. _DeleteCriticalSection@4            KERNEL32.dll
  1434. _EnterCriticalSection@4             KERNEL32.dll
  1435. _LeaveCriticalSection@4             KERNEL32.dll
  1436. _TlsGetValue@4                      KERNEL32.dll
  1437. _SetLastError@4                     KERNEL32.dll
  1438. _TlsAlloc@0                         KERNEL32.dll
  1439. _TlsSetValue@8                      KERNEL32.dll
  1440. _TlsFree@4                          KERNEL32.dll
  1441. _GetModuleFileNameW@12              KERNEL32.dll
  1442. _MultiByteToWideChar@24             KERNEL32.dll
  1443. _VirtualQuery@12                    KERNEL32.dll
  1444. _LoadLibraryA@4                     KERNEL32.dll
  1445. _UnhandledExceptionFilter@4         KERNEL32.dll
  1446. _SetUnhandledExceptionFilter@4      KERNEL32.dll
  1447. _FreeEnvironmentStringsA@4          KERNEL32.dll
  1448. _VirtualFree@12                     KERNEL32.dll
  1449. _GetACP@0                           KERNEL32.dll
  1450. _GetOEMCP@0                         KERNEL32.dll
  1451. _GetCPInfo@8                        KERNEL32.dll
  1452. _FlushFileBuffers@4                 KERNEL32.dll
  1453. _SetConsoleCtrlHandler@8            KERNEL32.dll
  1454. _GetCurrentProcessId@0              KERNEL32.dll
  1455. _GetFileType@4                      KERNEL32.dll
  1456. _GetFileAttributesA@4               KERNEL32.dll
  1457. _MoveFileA@8                        KERNEL32.dll
  1458. _GetFullPathNameA@16                KERNEL32.dll
  1459. _GetCurrentDirectoryA@8             KERNEL32.dll
  1460. _DeleteFileA@4                      KERNEL32.dll
  1461. _SetEnvironmentVariableA@8          KERNEL32.dll
  1462. _CharUpperBuffA@8                   USER32.dll
  1463. _ReadConsoleInputA@16               KERNEL32.dll
  1464. _GetConsoleMode@8                   KERNEL32.dll
  1465. _SetConsoleMode@8                   KERNEL32.dll
  1466. _WriteConsoleA@20                   KERNEL32.dll
  1467. _SetEvent@4                         KERNEL32.dll
  1468. _GetCurrentThread@0                 KERNEL32.dll
  1469. _ExitThread@4                       KERNEL32.dll
  1470. _SetEnvironmentVariableW@8          KERNEL32.dll
  1471. _wsprintfA                          USER32.dll
  1472. _MessageBoxA@16                     USER32.dll
  1473. _CallNextHookEx@16                  USER32.dll
  1474. _GetCurrentThreadId@0               KERNEL32.dll
  1475. _SetWindowsHookExA@16               USER32.dll
  1476. _UnhookWindowsHookEx@4              USER32.dll
  1477. _ClientToScreen@8                   USER32.dll
  1478. _GetWindowLongA@8                   USER32.dll
  1479. _DefWindowProcA@16                  USER32.dll
  1480. _SetCursor@4                        USER32.dll
  1481. _PostMessageA@16                    USER32.dll
  1482. _GetFocus@0                         USER32.dll
  1483. _AdjustWindowRect@12                USER32.dll
  1484. _SetWindowPos@28                    USER32.dll
  1485. _CheckMenuItem@12                   USER32.dll
  1486. _GetWindowRect@8                    USER32.dll
  1487. _GetSystemMetrics@4                 USER32.dll
  1488. _CreateFileA@28                     KERNEL32.dll
  1489. _CloseHandle@4                      KERNEL32.dll
  1490. _LoadIconA@8                        USER32.dll
  1491. _LoadCursorA@8                      USER32.dll
  1492. _GetStockObject@4                   GDI32.dll
  1493. _RegisterClassExA@4                 USER32.dll
  1494. _LoadMenuA@8                        USER32.dll
  1495. _CreateWindowExA@48                 USER32.dll
  1496. _SetWindowLongA@12                  USER32.dll
  1497. _GetSystemMenu@8                    USER32.dll
  1498. _AppendMenuA@16                     USER32.dll
  1499. _CreateMenu@0                       USER32.dll
  1500. _ShowWindow@8                       USER32.dll
  1501. _UpdateWindow@4                     USER32.dll
  1502. _SetFocus@4                         USER32.dll
  1503. _DestroyWindow@4                    USER32.dll
  1504. _DestroyMenu@4                      USER32.dll
  1505. _GetModuleFileNameA@12              KERNEL32.dll
  1506. _GetLastError@0                     KERNEL32.dll
  1507. _ReadFile@20                        KERNEL32.dll
  1508. _SetFileAttributesA@8               KERNEL32.dll
  1509. _SetFilePointer@16                  KERNEL32.dll
  1510. _SetEndOfFile@4                     KERNEL32.dll
  1511. _WriteFile@20                       KERNEL32.dll
  1512. _UnregisterClassA@8                 USER32.dll
  1513. _FreeLibrary@4                      KERNEL32.dll
  1514. _GetDC@4                            USER32.dll
  1515. _GetSystemPaletteEntries@16         GDI32.dll
  1516. _ReleaseDC@8                        USER32.dll
  1517. _LoadLibraryExA@12                  KERNEL32.dll
  1518. _GetProcAddress@8                   KERNEL32.dll
  1519. _QueryPerformanceCounter@4          KERNEL32.dll
  1520. _QueryPerformanceFrequency@4        KERNEL32.dll
  1521. _Sleep@4                            KERNEL32.dll
  1522. _WaitMessage@0                      USER32.dll
  1523. _WaitForSingleObject@8              KERNEL32.dll
  1524. _SystemParametersInfoA@16           USER32.dll
  1525. _CreateEventA@16                    KERNEL32.dll
  1526. _CreateThread@24                    KERNEL32.dll
  1527. _TerminateThread@8                  KERNEL32.dll
  1528. _SetCursorPos@8                     USER32.dll
  1529. _GetCursorPos@4                     USER32.dll
  1530. _timeGetTime@0                      WINMM.dll
  1531. _MulDiv@12                          KERNEL32.dll
  1532. _PeekMessageA@20                    USER32.dll
  1533. _IsDialogMessageA@8                 USER32.dll
  1534. _TranslateMessage@4                 USER32.dll
  1535. _DispatchMessageA@4                 USER32.dll
  1536. _GetForegroundWindow@0              USER32.dll
  1537. _SetWindowTextA@8                   USER32.dll
  1538. _GetMessageA@16                     USER32.dll
  1539. _ExitProcess@4                      KERNEL32.dll
  1540. _GetEnvironmentStrings@0            KERNEL32.dll
  1541. _GetVersion@0                       KERNEL32.dll
  1542. _GetCommandLineA@0                  KERNEL32.dll
  1543. _GetCommandLineW@0                  KERNEL32.dll
  1544. _GetModuleHandleA@4                 KERNEL32.dll
  1545. _VirtualAlloc@16                    KERNEL32.dll
  1546. _dtaSeek@12                         icom_rd.dll
  1549.                         +--------------------+
  1550.                         |   Libraries Used   |
  1551.                         +--------------------+
  1555.                         +-----------------------+
  1556.                         |   Linker Statistics   |
  1557.                         +-----------------------+
  1559. Stack size:  00010000 (65536.)
  1560. Memory size:  00046ff0 (290800.)
  1561. Entry point address: 00423a56
  1562. Link time: 00:00.60